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Arago Premières LV1

Sunday, November 13, 2005


We kept working on Summerhill. I gave you a little test about the passive forms dealing with Summerhill. Here it is: 1ES SUMMERHILL Follow-up work Write a few passive sentences about Summerhill. Summerhill / to found or to create ./. Creativity / to stifle ./. self-expression /to curtail ./. Children / to raise ./. Underline the passive forms in the following quotations about Summerhill. “A Special Meeting can be called any time of the day or night if the chairman agrees — it's always called a chairman, even though it can be a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. A Special Meeting is called if there's an issue of particular importance that needs to be dealt with immediately.” “Children are freed from the fear of failure, and the fear of displeasing adults.” “Once I was brought up at Tribunal because I was late to my lessons.” “This is a decision that's not taken lightly at all. Lots of privileges are removed from you: you're not allowed to go out of the school, not allowed to speak in the meeting, there are certain other things you're not allowed to do, and you can also be banned from going to certain areas.” Translate: C’est fait. Ce sera fait C’était fait. Cela peut être fait. Ça pourrait être fait. Cela doit être fait. Cela a dû être fait. ........................................................................................................................... Unfortunately, most of you failed this test. You must revise it, do it again and again until it seems very simple to you. We introduced the next document: A Most Serious Offence. p.36 This text deals with Australia and the aborigenes. Australians, nicknamed Aussies are rarely in the news. A mute country as some have called it. Well, do you know its capital city?